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Mission of Pharmacy in North Dakota 

The mission of the pharmacy profession in North Dakota is to promote and advise the safe, rational use of cost-effective medications and accommodating devices in a professional and ethical manner to assure the optimal health of patients and the integrity of the profession.

Mission of NDPhA 

The North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association is the professional society representing all pharmacists in North Dakota. The mission of NDPhA is to act as the leader in advocating the role of the pharmacist as an essential provider of health care and to support pharmacists in providing optimal pharmaceutical care.


  • As the professional society representing all pharmacists in the state the objectives of the NDPhA are to act as the leader:
  • in advocating the role of the pharmacist as an essential provider of healthcare
  • to support pharmacists in providing optimal pharmaceutical care
  • to encourage and assist pharmacists to use profitable methods to add value to their pharmacy knowledge base
  • and by working to improve pharmacists’ services and delivery of products needed by health care consumers.
  • The Dakota Pharmaceutical Association was organized August 3, 1885, in Fargo by pharmacists concerned about the quality of pharmacy practice in the northern part of the Dakota Territory. There were no licensure requirements for pharmacists and pharmacies and the goal of the group was to organize to advance the profession by promoting standards for pharmacists to meet. Following statehood, the organization was recognized as the North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association. The articles of incorporation were renewed in 1935. In April 2004, at the annual convention, the members voted to change the association’s name to the North Dakota Pharmacists Association.

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A healthcare technology company advancing safer use of medications,to educate members on TRHC’s medication safety software, MedWise

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