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PAAS – Pharmacy Audit Assistance Service

PAAS National Fraud Waste & Abuse Compliance Program

IPC – Independent Pharmacy Cooperative

RxPatrol – Rx Pattern Analysis Tracking Robberies & Other Losses

Pharmacy Quality Commitment

APMS - Alliance for Patient Medication Safety

State Farm - Terry Richter

Superior Insurance

Rx Ownership

PTCB - Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

HESI - Healthcare Environmental Services Incorporated

NDPDMP - North Dakota Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

The state Prescription Drug Repository Program collects and distributes unused medications so that pharmacies and physicians can dispense them to those who need them.

Prescription Connection is a program of the North Dakota Insurance Department that connects kids, families and people of all ages with free and discounted prescription drugs.










A healthcare technology company advancing safer use of medications,to educate members on TRHC’s medication safety software, MedWise

1641 Capitol Way - Bismarck, ND 58501

Phone: (701) 258 - 4968  Fax: (701) 258 - 9312

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