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Subscriptions & Advertising


Members of NDPhA receive the Nodak Pharmacy as a benefit of their dues. Non-members can subscribe for $50 per year.

Editorial/Advertising Ratio: 80% editorial/ 20% advertising

Contact the NDPhA Office for advertising rates. Insertion orders, reproductions materials, ad requests, proofs, correspondence, and all related content and/or communications must be addressed to:

NoDak Pharmacy
1641 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 258 4968
FAX: (701) 258 9312










A healthcare technology company advancing safer use of medications,to educate members on TRHC’s medication safety software, MedWise

1641 Capitol Way - Bismarck, ND 58501

Phone: (701) 258 - 4968  Fax: (701) 258 - 9312

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